

From Beachapedia

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Factoids for the month of November, 2010

Factoid/2010/11/01First Large Tidal Energy Project Gets Approved
Factoid/2010/11/02Locals Continue Campaign Against Army's Live-Fire Training in Sacred Makua Valley on Oahu
Factoid/2010/11/03Drugs in the Water
Factoid/2010/11/05Hopes Fade for US Ratifying the Law of the Sea Treaty
Factoid/2010/11/08EPA Wants to Deny Waiver to Improve Massachusetts Coastal Water Quality
Factoid/2010/11/09Good Enough to Drink
Factoid/2010/11/10Once Again, Halliburton
Factoid/2010/11/12NOAA Caves In and Authorizes the Navy to Police Themselves with Regard to Protecting Marine Mammals from Navy Sonar and Explosives
Factoid/2010/11/15Oil Spill Prevention and Response in the U.S. Arctic Ocean: Unexamined Risks, Unacceptable Consequences
Factoid/2010/11/16Lethal-Take Program? What a Bad Idea
Factoid/2010/11/17CalTrans Continues Its Decades Long Record of Flouting Polluted Runoff Regulations
Factoid/2010/11/22Loggerhead Turtles and Marine Trash
Factoid/2010/11/26Norfolk, VA on the Front Lines of Sea Level Rise
Factoid/2010/11/29U.S. Government Criticizes Iceland's Whaling
Factoid/2010/11/30Global Warming Emissions Continue to Rise Despite Slow Economies