

From Beachapedia

< Beachapedia:Factoid‎ | 2020

Factoids for the month of August, 2020

Factoid/2020/08/03Plato Was Right About the Earth Being Created by Cubes
Factoid/2020/08/04Reef Sharks are Functionally Extinct
Factoid/2020/08/05Cooling of the Earth Caused by Volcanic Eruption
Factoid/2020/08/06Blanket of Rock Debris Protects Glaciers from Climate Change
Factoid/2020/08/07Surface Clean-Up Devices Won't Solve Ocean Plastic Problem Alone
Factoid/2020/08/10Whales accumulating large amounts of harmful pollutants
Factoid/2020/08/11Fukushima Wastewater Highlights Risks of Dumping into the Ocean
Factoid/2020/08/12Volcanoes Cause Atmospheric Changes for Long Time
Factoid/2020/08/13COVID-19 Linked to 50% Reduction in Seismic Vibrations
Factoid/2020/08/14New NASA Model Helps Predict Solar Flares
Factoid/2020/08/17Canada's Last Intact Ice Shelf Collapses
Factoid/2020/08/18How ocean pollution can alter the weather
Factoid/2020/08/19Degraded tropical forests are prime candidates for restoration
Factoid/2020/08/20Are ocean plastics vessels for viruses?
Factoid/2020/08/21Sea level rise could lead to shifting rivers
Factoid/2020/08/24July 2020: Hottest month in Northern Hemisphere yet
Factoid/2020/08/25Pesticide runoff can harm prawns
Factoid/2020/08/26Fertilizers and nutrients exacerbate coral bleaching
Factoid/2020/08/27Higher water tables, greater risk from sea level rise
Factoid/2020/08/28Global warming targets could half the amount of devastating Caribbean hurricanes, but must act now
Factoid/2020/08/31Ocean acidification and coral osteoporosis