State of the Beach/State Reports/PR/Beach Fill

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State, Territory, and Commonwealth Beach Nourishment Programs, A National Overview (NOAA, March 2000) provides the following information:

"The commonwealth does not have a beach nourishment policy.

Related Policies

Near Shore Sand Mining Regulations

Bylaws to Regulate the Extraction of Materials from the Earth’s Crust (1977). Removal of sand from dunes in coastal zone is allowed in some cases; however, this requires a permit.

PR Coastal Management Program Document. Chapter 3 Problems and Responses. Dunes Policy: prohibits extraction of sand, from dunes or any other source, on public or private property, without a permit from the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources.

Dredge and Fill Regulations

PR Coastal Management Program Document. Chapter 3 Problems and Responses. Coastal Waters Policy: Dredging, filling and dredged material disposal require a permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers.

Sand Scraping/Dune Reshaping Regulations

PR Coastal Management Program Document. Chapter 2. Overall Objectives and Policies. Policy 18.03. To avoid activities and land subdivision which could cause the deterioration or destruction of those natural systems essential for preserving the environment, such as dune systems.

Public Access Regulations

PR Coastal Management Program Document. Chapter 3 Problems and Responses. Beaches Policy: Shorefront development, governmental or private, should be if practical, designed to facilitate rather than obstruct shoreline access by the general public.

Beach Nourishment Funding Program

There is no commonwealth funding program for beach nourishment."


An inventory of beach fill projects in Puerto Rico was not readily available.

The Fiscal Year 2017 Civil Works Budget for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides $4.62 billion in gross discretionary funding for the Civil Works program. This budget lists proposed projects and the associated budget justification by state.

State, Territory, and Commonwealth Beach Nourishment Programs: A National Overview (2000) is a report NOAA/OCRM that provides an overview of the problem of beach erosion, various means of addressing this problem, and discusses issues regarding the use of beach nourishment. Section 2 of the report provides an overview of state, territorial, and commonwealth coastal management policies regarding beach nourishment and attendant funding programs. Appendix B provides individual summaries of 33 beach nourishment programs and policies.

State of the Beach Report: Puerto Rico
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