State of the Beach/Beach Indicators/Beach Fill

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Many coastal experts believe the term "beach nourishment" is a misleading term and that these projects should be called "beach dredge and fill projects" to reveal their true impact on the beach. Surfrider has decided to use the term "beach fill" in order to be consistent with commonly used terminology. Interestingly, in the wake of recent coastal storms which caused severe damage to many areas on the East Coast, some legislators and lobbyists have begun using the term coastal storm damage reduction project because they believe that term is more likely to win approval for their beach fill projects, especially from inland legislators.

State coastal managers often use fill programs as a "soft" alternative to shoreline structures in combating coastal erosion on developed stretches of coastline. Funding for these projects may come from the federal, state, or local level with varying amounts of participation. Unfortunately, many fill projects run over budget and the lifespan of the project is underestimated.[1] For those states with available information, we provide fill locations and, when available, the cost of these projects. This will enable local citizens to be aware of fill projects on their beaches and how much it is costing them.

Some beach fill projects have resulted in negative impacts to fishing resources, surfing areas and swimmer safety. There is also an increasing awareness of the short term and long term ecological consequences of beach fill projects. Short-term impacts may include such things as interrupting sea turtle nesting activities. Repeated beach fill projects may have cumulative biological impacts that are rarely included in environmental assessments.[2] Studies and monitoring programs on fill projects are important and are included where found.

A common problem with beach fill projects is the lack of monitoring or lack of adequate monitoring for the environmental and ecological effects of the project. An excellent summary of the widespread lack of monitoring for these projects can be found here.

More information on beach fill.


  1. Pilkey, Orrin H. and Kathrine L. Dixon, The Corps and the Shore. Island Press. 1996.
  2. Peterson, Charles H. and Melanie J. Bishop, Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Beach Nourishment. BioScience. Vol. 55, No. 10. October 2005.

State Beach Fill Reports

Select a state from the list below to view the Beach Fill indicator page for that state:

<html> <form name="stateform"> <select name="selstate3" class="State" onchange="window.location.href= document.stateform.selstate3.options[selectedIndex].value;">

 <option selected="selected" value="">Select A State</option>
 <option value="">Alabama</option>
 <option value="">Alaska</option>
 <option value="">British Columbia</option> 
 <option value="">California</option> 
 <option value="">Connecticut</option> 
 <option value="">Delaware</option> 
 <option value="">Florida</option> 
 <option value="">Georgia</option>
 <option value="">Hawaii</option>
 <option value="">Illinois</option>
 <option value="">Indiana</option>
 <option value="">Louisiana</option>  
 <option value="">Maine</option>
 <option value="">Maryland</option> 
 <option value="">Massachusetts</option> 
 <option value="">Michigan</option> 
 <option value="">Minnesota</option> 
 <option value="">Mississippi</option>
 <option value="">New Hampshire</option> 
 <option value="">New Jersey</option>
 <option value="">New York</option> 
 <option value="">North Carolina</option> 
 <option value="">Ohio</option>
 <option value="">Oregon</option>
 <option value="">Pennsylvania</option> 
 <option value="">Puerto Rico</option> 
 <option value="">Rhode Island</option> 
 <option value="">South Carolina</option> 
 <option value="">Texas</option> 
 <option value="">Virginia</option> 
 <option value="">Washington</option> 
 <option value="">Wisconsin</option> 

</select> </form> </html>